Cycling to health and environmental responsibility 18. септембар 2022. године more... → Seven days to promote alternative forms of mobility 16. септембар 2022. године more... → Two-day innovation challenge Bijeljina Startup Drill 2022 completed in Bijeljina today 09. септембар 2022. године more... → Representatives of the Norwegian Embassy visit Bijeljina 26. август 2022. године more... → Reception for the ambassadors of Switzerland and Slovakia 26. јул 2022. године more... → Reception for the mayor of Kočevje Municipality from Slovenia 20. јул 2022. године more... → Another free training in digital marketing completed at InCOR 20. јун 2022. године more... → Petrović: We made numerous contacts in Saint Petersburg 20. јун 2022. године more... → Primary School Petar Kočić in the project of improvement of energy efficiency 18. јун 2022. године more... → Mayor Petrović: Bijeljina is the world 17. јун 2022. године more... → International conference – Protect Your Diversity 02. јун 2022. године more... → Bijeljina and Bursa – opportunities for cooperation 26. мај 2022. године more... → Delegation of Bijeljina in an official visit to Turkey 25. мај 2022. године more... → Bijeljina continues to implement the sustainable development goals successfully 16. мај 2022. године more... → Awareness of the importance of the environment needs to change 13. мај 2022. године more... → Greek Ambassador visits the City Administration 11. мај 2022. године more... → Mayor Petrović and Greek Ambassador opened Greek Corner 09. мај 2022. године more... → Mayor of Bijeljina attended the meeting of B40 Balkan Cities Network 26. април 2022. године more... → Third stage of the International Cycling Race Belgrade – Banja Luka started in Bijeljina 15. април 2022. године more... → Start something good in Bijeljina 24. март 2022. године more... → Strana 3 od 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Two-day innovation challenge Bijeljina Startup Drill 2022 completed in Bijeljina today 09. септембар 2022. године more... →
Primary School Petar Kočić in the project of improvement of energy efficiency 18. јун 2022. године more... →
Bijeljina continues to implement the sustainable development goals successfully 16. мај 2022. године more... →
Mayor of Bijeljina attended the meeting of B40 Balkan Cities Network 26. април 2022. године more... →
Third stage of the International Cycling Race Belgrade – Banja Luka started in Bijeljina 15. април 2022. године more... →