Official web site of
City Bijeljina

Annual reports about the implementation of the Strategy

Reporting about the Local Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina 2014-2023 (revised for the period 2019-2023) is aimed to encourage all important participants to think and contribute to the more efficient decision making related to the implementation of strategic priorities of economic development, social development, and environmental protection, all in the framework of three defined strategic goals, and 11 sectoral goals.
According to the Annual plan for the implementation of the Local Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina in 2020 it was planned to implement 54 projects, as follows: 14 projects in the economic sector (total value BAM 44,053,293.00), and 15 projects in the social sector (total value BAM 4,908,000.00). Total value of the planned projects was BAM 54,098,193.00.
Total value of implemented projects in the previous year was BAM 40,526,929.86 or 74.91% of the planned financial framework. Of that amount 17.82% was funded through the city budget, and 82.18% through external sources. Considering the number of implemented projects during 2020, total of 49 projects were implemented, as follows: 14 projects in the economic sector (total value BAM 2,943,384.72), 15 projects in the environmental sector (total value BAM 31,415,739.27), and 20 projects in the social sector (total value BAM 6,167,805.87). It is important to point out that some of the projects were not implemented due to the lack of external funds and the pandemics caused by the spread of corona virus.
In 2020, it was planned to use BAM 9,274,000.00 from the city budget for the implementation of strategic projects, but BAM 7,221,832.29 (77.87%) was actually used.
When it comes to planned strategic projects by other public institutions/enterprises in the territory of the City of Bijeljina, 74.30% was implemented, or BAM 44,824,193.00 out of planned BAM 33,305,097.57.
Majority of funds planned for projects in 2020 was planned by Public Institution Vode Srpske. Total planned funds for 2020 of this public institution were BAM 24,799,793.01. PI Vode Srpske planned five projects in the previous year, and fully or partially implemented four projects, and BAM 13,027,842.76 (52.53%) was used for their implementation.
When it comes to the conclusions and corrective actions regarding the previous year, the largest obstacles were limited funds from both own and external sources, which means that more attention should be paid to more realistic planning of funds for the implementation of strategic projects in the following period, as well as to the constant improvement of business environment in order to attract new investments. In addition, the pandemic caused by the spread of corona virus was a large obstacle for the implementation of planned projects. Due to the measures introduced by the Headquarters for Emergency Situations of Republika Srpska, and redirecting funds to pandemic control purposes, the implementation was prolonged to the following period.
It is important to mention that the City of Bijeljina is one of the four local communities in BaH that managed to meet the requirements and obtain the certificate for a local community with business friendly environment (BFC SEE - Business Friendly Certificate South East Europe). This certificate is a confirmation that the City of Bijeljina offers high quality services to investors facilitating their business, and that it continuously works on improving the business environment in the local community, which is an important prerequisite for mentioned activities. Section for LED and EI coordinated and actively worked with the relevant departments on establishing evidence and presented achieved progress to the BFC verifiers on behalf of the city during the supervisory check, which resulted in a successful check of the city as a business friendly environment.
It is also important to mention that the City of Bijeljina, in accordance with the Global Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals, promotes partnership of public, civic, private sectors and academic community, and it is implementing a number of projects in partnerships, which is a positive example of implementation of the mentioned Agenda, not only in BaH, but also in the region.
In accordance with the strategic commitment to make the City of Bijeljina the CITY OF THE FUTURE by 2030, the Administration of the City of Bijeljina is preparing and implementing a number of programmes, projects and activities which create prerequisites for sustainable economic, social and environmental development.