Social Welfare Centre

Basic information
Address: Ulica Potporučnika Smajića 18, 76300 Bijeljina
Phone: +387 (0)55 201 090
Fax: +387 (0)55 207 546
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:
About Social Welfare Centre
Public Institution Social Welfare Centre Bijeljina is s social welfare institution founded by the City of Bijeljina to perform tasks and implement rights established by the Law on Social Welfare, the Family Law, the Law on Protection against Family Violence, the Law on Protection and Managing Minors in Criminal Procedure. The Centre also provides other social work services, independently or in cooperation with other institutions and associations.
In addition to the functions defined by the law, the Centre also performs its activities in accordance with the decisions of the founder: Decision on incorporation, Decision on expanded rights and services in social welfare, other legal documents, such as the statute, operating programmes and plans.
In implementation of social welfare and social work, the Social Welfare Centre has the following powers:
provision of first professional assistance to the citizens,
making the first instance decisions related to the rights established by the Law on Social Welfare and decisions on expanded rights in the City of Bijeljina,
making the first instance decisions related to family-legal protection and custody,
working on implementation of measures against minors in criminal procedures,
provision of social services in the processes of deciding on rights related to social welfare,
supervision of foster families,
keeping records and documentation related to the rights, provided services and taken measures within its activities, and issuing certificates on the information kept in the records, and
paying monetary rights established by the Law on Social Welfare and other regulations and general acts.
In addition to these tasks, the Social Welfare Centre also performs professional tasks related to social welfare and social work, family and child protection, as follows:
discovering and monitoring of social needs of the citizens and problems related to social welfare,
suggesting and proposing measures to deal with the social needs of the citizens and monitoring their execution,
suggesting measures to improve social welfare and planning the development of the social welfare system in the City of Bijeljina, organising and implementing appropriate forms of social and child protection and direct provision of social services,
monitoring the condition of child and family-legal protection, initiating and proposing measures to improve child and family protection system,
developing and improving preventive activities contributing to prevention and combating social problems,
providing diagnostic services, implementing appropriate treatments, counselling, therapeutic services and professional assistance to users,
encouraging, organising and coordinating professional and volunteer work related to social welfare,
working on development of different models of care of users in the community, and social services according to the needs of the users, developing social work in the community,
providing services of assistance and care at homes, day-care and shelters,
encouraging and developing self-assistance, volunteering, interpersonal solidarity, charity and humanitarian activities,
provision of counselling for marriage and family issues, for raising children, adoption, parents-children relationships,
performing analytical and research tasks in the City of Bijeljina, and
performing other tasks established by the law and decisions of the City of Bijeljina.