Official web site of
City Bijeljina

Capital Investment Plan

Local self-government units invest in utility infrastructure in order to provide services to their citizens, and to keep and attract domestic and foreign investors. One of the most important questions for the local self-governments is how to plan and fund the construction of new infrastructure. Budget funds are often insufficient for a systemic funding of capital investments. Systemic approach in planning capital investments will enable local self-governments to use the local budget capacity better and it will provide a better access to current funding sources (EU pre-accession funds, funds from domestic funding sources, and other donor funds).
Capital Investment Plan is a plan covering capital projects in a three-year period, and is an updated version of existing Capital Investment Plan.
The Plan includes projects of general public importance. The first year of implementation and funding of the capital investment programme is considered an annual capital budget. Annual capital budget is established every year as part of the multi-year capital programme related to a certain year.
Preparation of a comprehensive investment plan will enable development of new and improvement of existing citizens’ services and make it possible to implement the main city development strategies, primarily the Development Strategy of the City of Bijeljina up to 2023. Multi-year capital investment plan should include all public investments planned in the territory of the City of Bijeljina or under its jurisdiction. In order to implement this project, the City Assembly made a decision to form a work group to develop Capital Investment Plan and Utility Infrastructure Development Plan in the City of Bijeljina.