Official web site of
City Bijeljina

Learn and earn

Implementer: Section for Local Economic Development and European Integration
After the public call published by the Administration of the City of Bijeljina on 10 September 2019, total of 28 individuals applied for the participation in the Entrepreneurial training programme, and 21 of them successfully completed the training.
After the completed training, the participants used the acquired knowledge to create business plans for their business ideas. Presentation of the business ideas was organised, as well as interview with eighteen participants who submitted their business plans.

 The training was provided by the Faculty of Business Economics in Bijeljina – University of East Sarajevo through four modules: digital economics, services and entrepreneurial business, entrepreneurial skills, creating business plans for entrepreneurs.
The commission selected ten business plans, each receiving a grant in the amount of BAM 8,000.00 for the registration and starting a business, or establishment of a company and (self)employment.
Project activities were based on the strategic commitment of the city to work on improvement of business environment (strategic goal 1), in accordance with the sustainable development goals: 4 (quality education), 8 (decent work and economic growth), 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure), 10 (reduced inequalities), 11 (sustainable cities and communities), and 17 (partnerships for the goals).