Joint Efforts for Employment of Marginalized Groups

Through the project Integrated Approach to Social Inclusion, four individuals from marginalized groups in the territory of the City of Bijeljina have been provided with employment opportunities. Employers Mega Drvo Bijeljina and G&S Traders Bijeljina have each employed one person, while the City Organization of the Red Cross Bijeljina has employed two individuals.
By agreement which regulates mutual relations, the City of Bijeljina, along with Swiss Caritas, will co-finance part of the employment costs per worker, amounting to BAM 14,400. This will be achieved by providing the grant recipient with BAM 9,600 in the first year and BAM 4,800 in the second year.
The duration of the agreement is two years, from 1 February 2024, to 1 February 2026. Representatives from the City of Bijeljina and the employers, along with representatives from Swiss Caritas and Otaharin Bijeljina, have signed the agreement.
The project pertains to the Income and Migration sector, which is part of the CACH strategy for the years 2021-2025. It focuses on the social inclusion of the most vulnerable populations, with a special emphasis on the Roma, who are the most marginalized population.