Eight companies in the Industrial Zone 2

Bijeljina City administration through public call and the auction has sold 8 building plots in the Industrial zone 2, intended for light industry and small businesses. The sold building plots are from 2.000m² to 65.000m², and the new land owners are obliged to start construction of business facilities within two years.
Besides companies „Gama S“, „Montern“, „Logo“, „ Vuk Komerc“ and craft shop „City car“, the land were sold also to Radomir Milanović, Aleksandar Matić and Nikola Stajić from Bijeljina.
A public call for expression of interest for the purchase of building land within the scope regulation plan "Industrial zone 2" is open until further notice. The initial bid price of the building plots is determined according to the Plan subareas and ranges from 10 to 30 KM/m², and investors were given the option of paying land in 60 monthly installments. Aiming to increase flexibility, there is a possibility of splitting the existing building lots and the formation of new ones, in accordance with the interest of potential investors.
The Industrial zone 2 covers area of 44 hectares, located between the Stefan Dečanski Street in the southeast and the city bypass road in the north and west. The Industrial zone meets all modern standards- it has built complete infrastructure, it is close to the highway, as well as pipeline and wastewater system network, and has required environmental permit.
Besides Industrial zone 2, there are Industrial zones 1, 3, and 4. Within the Industrial zone 3, at the 12 building plots, the following companies built their manufacturing and processing facilities: "Bistrik", "DMG Company", "Europarket" "George","Talum","HY-POWER-Flex", "Virtus","Farmakom MB","Limar Mile"and others.
All investors interested in doing business in the City of Bijeljina can get more information on conditions of land purchasing in Industrial zones at the Department of Economy and Agriculture, Patrijarha Pavla 1 Street or by phone numbers 055/233-430 and 233-162, or at the Directorate for Construction and Development of the City of Bijeljina, Karađorđeva 33 Street, phone number 055/208-085.