The City of Bijeljina and Caritas ‘Warm Up’ Another School 29. јануар 2024. године more... → New homes for six Roma families 25. јануар 2024. године more... → The delegation of the Embassy of Switzerland visits the City Administration 13. октобар 2023. године more... → Bijeljina – host of inclusive games 26. септембар 2023. године more... → Cultural exchange with Iran: Introduction to collaboration in other fields 24. август 2023. године more... → Diplomatic delegation of three countries in Bijeljina 06. јул 2023. године more... → Utilising the rich potential of geothermal energy 05. јул 2023. године more... → Exhibition “Cities and villages of the future” at the gallery of the Cultural Centre 01. јун 2023. године more... → raSTEM Conference: the Youth in IT - Drivers of Community Development 19. мај 2023. године more... → The City of Bijeljina and Caritas continue cooperation to improve energy efficiency 07. мај 2023. године more... → Cyclists arrived to Bijeljina, Polish cyclist Bartosz Rudyk was the quickest 19. април 2023. године more... → Bijeljina to host riders of the International Cycling Race Belgrade – Banja Luka 18. април 2023. године more... → The City of Bijeljina - a participant in the programme Implementing the Framework for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals 21. март 2023. године more... → Slovak community in Bijeljina - a bridge of cooperation between Slovakia and BiH 13. март 2023. године more... → Bijeljina at the Balkan Cities Network Summit 26. јануар 2023. године more... → Skopje: Regional conference on minorities and vulnerable groups in the Western Balkans 18. јануар 2023. године more... → Bijeljina is open for cooperation with French cities 01. децембар 2022. године more... → Ambassador of Spain: We need cooperation because we share the same challenges 08. новембар 2022. године more... → Implementation of energy efficiency projects in Bijeljina 25. октобар 2022. године more... → Memorandum of understanding signed – Integral approach to social inclusion 24. септембар 2022. године more... → Strana 2 od 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
The delegation of the Embassy of Switzerland visits the City Administration 13. октобар 2023. године more... →
Cultural exchange with Iran: Introduction to collaboration in other fields 24. август 2023. године more... →
Exhibition “Cities and villages of the future” at the gallery of the Cultural Centre 01. јун 2023. године more... →
The City of Bijeljina and Caritas continue cooperation to improve energy efficiency 07. мај 2023. године more... →
Cyclists arrived to Bijeljina, Polish cyclist Bartosz Rudyk was the quickest 19. април 2023. године more... →
Bijeljina to host riders of the International Cycling Race Belgrade – Banja Luka 18. април 2023. године more... →
The City of Bijeljina - a participant in the programme Implementing the Framework for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals 21. март 2023. године more... →
Slovak community in Bijeljina - a bridge of cooperation between Slovakia and BiH 13. март 2023. године more... →
Skopje: Regional conference on minorities and vulnerable groups in the Western Balkans 18. јануар 2023. године more... →
Ambassador of Spain: We need cooperation because we share the same challenges 08. новембар 2022. године more... →
Memorandum of understanding signed – Integral approach to social inclusion 24. септембар 2022. године more... →