EU4Business: EUR 10 million of Grants to Support Economic Growth and Employment in B&H 21. јануар 2019. године more... → Training for tailoring, sewing and knitting through the ReLOaD project has been completed 03. децембар 2018. године more... → High School Fair - a roadmap for future education 23. новембар 2018. године more... → Namibia delegation visits Bijeljina 17. октобар 2018. године more... → Strana 6 od 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
EU4Business: EUR 10 million of Grants to Support Economic Growth and Employment in B&H 21. јануар 2019. године more... →
Training for tailoring, sewing and knitting through the ReLOaD project has been completed 03. децембар 2018. године more... →