World Bicycle Day celebrated in Bijeljina 03. јун 2021. године more... → Strong support of the French Embassy to the City of Bijeljina 18. мај 2021. године more... → Bijeljina will host the 6th UN Road Safety Week 26. април 2021. године more... → Cyclists have arrived to Bijeljina 23. април 2021. године more... → 15th International Cycling Race Belgrade – Banja Luka has started 22. април 2021. године more... → GoGreen application available to the citizens of Bijeljina 02. април 2021. године more... → Bijeljina thrives towards complete transparency and democratisation 26. март 2021. године more... → Bijeljina needs better energy efficiency 24. март 2021. године more... → Austria will continue to support the development of Bijeljina 02. март 2021. године more... → To improve cooperation with diaspora 01. март 2021. године more... → Great support by Switzerland for the implementation of important projects 26. фебруар 2021. године more... → Project “Kindergarten is my right, too” successfully completed 18. фебруар 2021. године more... → VIDEO CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT 28. јануар 2021. године more... → German foundation to continue cooperation with the City of Bijeljina 13. јануар 2021. године more... → Through partnership towards inclusive children's playground 27. март 2019. године more... → Signed Contract for construction of irrigation system in Donje Crnjelovo 24. март 2019. године more... → Talks about highway route through Semberija 06. фебруар 2019. године more... → Bijeljina will apply for funds from IPA 04. фебруар 2019. године more... → Partnership of social actors is a condition for the achievement of goals from Agenda 2030 29. јануар 2019. године more... → 35 new employees - the result of project „Continuous institutional cooperation towards sustainable jobs in Bijeljina“ 24. јануар 2019. године more... → Strana 5 od 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Great support by Switzerland for the implementation of important projects 26. фебруар 2021. године more... →
German foundation to continue cooperation with the City of Bijeljina 13. јануар 2021. године more... →
Signed Contract for construction of irrigation system in Donje Crnjelovo 24. март 2019. године more... →
Partnership of social actors is a condition for the achievement of goals from Agenda 2030 29. јануар 2019. године more... →
35 new employees - the result of project „Continuous institutional cooperation towards sustainable jobs in Bijeljina“ 24. јануар 2019. године more... →